Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Yeah, well...

Listen, I don’t really have anything that I want to share with, or say to, the rest of the world, (primarily because most of the people occupying “the rest of the world” truly annoy me). I’m only doing this because my brother’s blog won’t let me comment on his convoluted submissions unless I am registered as a “blogger” myself. (He’s either a conniving bastard bent on inconveniencing me or he ACCIDENTALLY changed the default setting in his profile. For the record - it’s “even money” either way).

So, you can save yourself a lot of time, effort, frustration and potential heartache (the last possibility would only apply if you happen to be looking for reasonably literate prose) by just disregarding this drivel and finding yourself something more entertaining to do with your “web time”, like downloading the latest version of Diablo, or looking for porn, or updating your own damn blog, or whatever.

That said, I'll offer a couple of, more or less, random thoughts about Britney’s "nether regions" being plastered all over the internet, before I leave you shaking your head and rubbing your eyes in disbelief.

1. Nobody really cares. I mean, not really. It’s not like anyone is getting up in the middle of the night to write home to mother about it.

2. Britney – you should have taken the "Playboy deal" when you had the chance, at least then you would have seen some coin.

Oh well…

Now, off to hunt down and mess with my brother’s blog!

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